Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Upcoming Contests!

That's right, folks, The Dave and Steve show is getting so huge that we're even going to be able to hold some contests on some of the biggest upcoming summer movie releases. We'll have details on exactly how you can win, but you should know that it will involve you spreading the word about the show. So start thinking of crazy ways that you can let others know about The Dave and Steve Show.

As incentive, you should know that our first film to be part of the contest will be "The Rocker"!

We will have movie passes to check out an advanced screening of the film, as well as swag to give away. So if you want to win, start telling your friends about the show now. We'll have plenty more of the contests, so you'll have lots of chances to win. All we ask is that you do your part and tell others about the show.

More details to come!

For more details on 20th Century Fox's "The Rocker," hit up the official website.

For more awesome content like this, check DaveSteve.com daily, and tell your friends that new episodes of The Dave and Steve Show are posted weekly here on the site!

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