Monday, July 28, 2008

Upcoming Schedule

Loyal Members of the Pile,

We've got a great show lined up for tonight, but please be aware that posting of said show will be delayed by a day this week. This is due to the fact that we have a great interview lined up that we're going to record on Tuesday and roll into the show as well. So look for show 24 to go up sometime around Wednesday.

If you're wondering what to do with yourself between now and then, might we suggest spreading the word about this show? We're always looking for new members of The Pile, so anything you can do to spread the joy that is The Dave and Steve Show is much appreciated. You could also send us an email to let us know what you think of our little podcast, but please make sure you always put the words "argar largar" in there somewhere, so that we know you're a "Pile Faithful."

Along with tonight's amazing show, we also have yet another interview lined up for next week's show as well! Sitting down with us will be Frank Pino, from the Massachusetts band, Waltham. Frank is going to fill us in on what he's been up to, and if you're not quite sure who he is or have never heard of Waltham, we highly suggest you check him and his band out.

Waltham Myspace

So look for Show 24 on Wednesday, and another great show next week!

And remember... keep walking the walk.

P.S. - If you'd like to play a fun drinking game based on this post, try taking a drink for every instance of me typing the word "show." Honestly... I really shouldn't have been allowed to graduate from any school.

For more awesome content like this, check daily, and tell your friends that new episodes of The Dave and Steve Show are posted weekly here on the site!

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